Tesla's Checkmate Move, Critical Cash Lesson, and CNN Clashes

Can third-party candidates impact election results?

Good morning. It's Monday, Dec. 04, and we're covering CNN clashes, US ship attacks, a weak fine for flopping, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

American Fact of the Day!

Atlantic City Has The World's Longest Boardwalk: Atlantic City has the world's longest boardwalk. Built in 1870, it was also the first boardwalk in the United States. Its purpose was to limit the amount of sand beach goers took with them into hotel lobbies as well as the train. Today, it is a stretch of 4.5 miles long, and home to casinos, hotels, restaurants, and more.

Breaking Updates

Pramila Jayapal Clashes With CNN Over Hamas

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) appeared on CNN on Sunday and was pressed about her lack of condemnation of Hamas. Specifically, Jayapal and other Democrats in the "ceasefire now" caucus have refused to speak against the rapes that the terrorist organization carried out during its October 7th attack.

When Dana Bash brought it up, Jayapal clashed with her over the topic, with the congresswoman instead calling for a "balanced" approach.

To Bash's credit, she wasn't having it. She retorted that she was speaking about Hamas and wanted an answer on that front. Jayapal then equivocated again, calling for a "balanced" approach to condemning Palestinian actions.

Jayapal's answer to the pushback by Bash was to claim she doesn't "want this to be the hierarchies of oppression."

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US Destroyer and Several Other Ships Attacked in Red Sea

An American destroyer and several commercial ships were the targets of a series of attacks Sunday. The attacks were by drones and ballistic anti-ship missiles and are believed to have originated in Yemen by anyone with access to a map. There are no reports of damage.

Social media indicates the Houthis in Yemen are claiming responsibility for shooting at and missing two commercial ships. They have not, as of yet, taken responsibility for shooting at the Carney.

The USS Carney is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. The Carney and consorts have come under fire at least twice since its deployment to the Red Sea in October. The attacks began at 10 a.m. local time and continued for at least five hours.

Just yesterday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was hectoring Israel over civilian casualties and "strategic defeat," a subject on which he may be one of the world's greatest living practitioners. He also crowed about the importance of "America's strong and steady leadership."

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