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Good morning. It's Monday, March. 11, and we're covering Biden telling a lie about candy, the blocked streets of Hollywood before Oscars, controversial MLB umpire, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

American Fact of the Day!

Oklahoma: Oklahoma has outdone all other states in producing astronauts. Oklahoma is the only state to have astronauts who have taken part in all stages of the US space program, reflecting the state's pioneering spirit and its ongoing contribution to the exploration of space. Seven astronauts have hailed from Oklahoma as of 2020.

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Did Biden Tell a Lie About Candy? Claim About Snickers Shrinkflation Is Getting Smacked Down by Company

The State of the Union address is the time for showing what you've achieved, showing unity, demonstrating the greatness that can be. Biden made it a nasty event to attack political opponents. Oh, and on top of that, he even managed to attack a candy bar.

"Snickers bars! You get charged the same amount and you got about, I don't know, about 10 percent fewer Snickers in it!" As with so much of what Biden says you have to first try to interpret what he's saying — "10 percent fewer Snickers" in a bar doesn't even make sense. Or is he talking about singles or share sizes in a package, like the little ones you would hand out at Halloween? I doubt he even knows, he just spews.

Biden is doing it to deflect from his own failures on inflation, trying to blame other people and "greedy corporations." But the government shouldn't even be trying to dictate prices or becoming involved like that in the free market. It's stupid, but it's also a dangerous path of price/product control that he's starting to walk down and just one more leftist element that he's embracing. He should be involved in slowing the massive spending. But he doesn't want to do that, so he talks about this stuff, like it's going to have any real effect on the hundreds we are paying more a month because of his inflationary price hikes in essentials.

Now, it turns out that Snickers has a thing or two to say about Biden's comments during the SOTU about their candy. They're busting him, alleging what he said was false. Jennings ripped Biden, calling it "slandering a candy bar."

As I suspected. The president is literally slandering a candy bar. Official statement given to me by the ⁦Mars/Snickers people. Will literally slander anything and anyone. Total hack.

Snickers said that they had not "reduced the size of the Snickers singles or share sizes in the U.S.," despite having to face "inflation and spikes in material costs." (Hint: because of you, Joe Biden.) They said they were trying to absorb the extra costs as best they could and "final prices are always at the discretion of the retailer" (and not Joe Biden) but that they were trying to "minimize costs."

Good on the company for standing up. In the era of Biden, that's a brave act when he seems to flout norms and have no problem attacking an American company.

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Anti-Israel Protesters March, Block Streets of Hollywood Before Oscars

The Hollywood elite are making their way to the Dolby Theater on Sunday night to attend the 2024 Academy Awards, which start in the next hour.

But some of them might show up later than they hoped to because of some unwelcome onlookers donning keffiyehs and waving signs carrying hateful messages about Israel.

Sunset Boulevard is blocked on both sides. You can hear them chanting the despicable chant, "From the River to the Sea...."

The anti-Israel protesters (who double today as anti-Oscars protesters) are estimated to number in the hundreds. It's somewhat ironic that these Hollywood types are getting a taste of the radical fringe they claim to love and support. You love to see it.

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