Self-Excusing Ethics, Holiday Markets, and 5th Avenue Chaos

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Good morning. It's Tuesday, Dec. 26, and we're covering a US intelligence assessment, chaos on Fifth Avenue, the perfect landing spot, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

American Fact of the Day!

You don’t need a driver’s license to race in NASCAR: Of all the things you may not know about America, this one is quite surprising. Technically, you don’t need a driver’s license to compete in NASCAR. Even if you’ve had your driver’s license suspended for breaking road rules in your daily life, you can still go for gold in NASCAR.

Breaking Updates

US Intelligence Assessment Points to the Destruction of Russia's Pre-Ukraine Invasion Army

A declassified but restricted access intelligence report provided to Congress estimates the Russian Army has lost 87 percent of its pre-Ukrraine invasion strength on the battlefield.

Since the beginning of the war Russia has suffered from a staggeringly high number of losses, according to another newly declassified assessment shared with Congress. At the start of the war the Russian army stood at 360,000 troops. Russia has lost 315,000 of those troops, forcing them to recruit and mobilize new recruits and convicts from their prison system.

Moscow’s equipment has also been crushed, according to the assessment. At the start of the war, Russia had 3,500 tanks but has lost 2,200, forcing them to pull 50 year old T-62 tanks from storage.

The impact on the Russian Army goes far beyond the raw numbers. The losses reflect a genocide among Russia's pre-war combat units. The 315,000 estimated casualties are 165 percent of the number of troops that crossed the border on February 24, 2022. Suppose you assume that 70 percent of the Russian Army is assigned to combat units (a number that I'd put on the improbably high side of the spectrum). In that case, the estimated losses represent 142 percent of the combat soldiers in the Russian Army in 2022.

While Russia might, arguably, be able to keep pace with the losses without resorting to national mobilization, nothing is going to change the fact that the troops going to Ukraine will be exponentially less trained and experienced than those in the invasion force, and their equipment will be much older and less reliable.

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Chaos on Fifth Avenue: Pro-Hamas Protesters Try to Disrupt NYC Christmas Shopping

Here they go again. As New Yorkers are out in the streets taking care of last-minute Christmas shopping, the anti-Israel crowd is back at it, screaming and caterwauling in the streets, hoping to intimidate shoppers into supporting Hamas.

At this point, you have to wonder if these people are even serious, or if they prefer performative politics over actually doing something productive. As people went about their business, the pro-Hamas protesters from various anti-Israel groups were doing their usual marching and chanting “No Christmas as usual!” New York shoppers had their last-minute Christmas shopping hampered by pro-Palestine protestors, who vowed there would be 'no business as usual during a genocide.'

Upwards of 142 million customers are expected to join in the 'Super Saturday' shopping spree today across America, however those in the Empire State had more to contend with than just the crowds.

These people have been engaging in this behavior since Hamas launched a bloody surprise attack on Israel on October 7. On Black Friday, pro-Hamas agitators swarmed the streets in New York City and Los Angeles to harass people into embracing their agenda.

Hundreds gathered in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles, marching through city streets and converging on The Grove shopping center as part of a nationwide effort to call for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and advocating for a cessation of U.S. aid to the Jewish State.

A large group of pro-Palestine protesters moved through The Grove shopping center just before noon on Black Friday, carrying a giant banner that read "No Business as Usual."

As time goes on, more information about these groups continues to surface, especially when it comes to their funding. Various progressive entities, including George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, have been pouring millions of dollars to fund these activist groups so they can protest on college campuses and in the streets.

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