Ideas To Steal, Social Media Elections, and Family Values Attack

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Good morning. It's Wednesday, Dec. 13, and we're covering Jennifer Newsom’s interruption, intervening the Islamist Windbag, NFL power rankings, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

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Jennifer Newsom Steps on Rake in 'Family Values' Attack on Ron DeSantis

Jennifer Siebel Newsom, was confirmed to be the one who shut down talk of extending the debate after the 90 minutes were up, perhaps with the understanding that "her guy" had suffered enough embarrassment for one night.

In an update to this story, it would appear that Mrs. Newsom - otherwise known as California's "First Partner," has not been able to move on from the drubbing her husband received, so much so that she's taken to the Twitter machine to post a clip from the debate that she thinks portrays Newsom in a flattering light.

In it, Gov. Newsom is seen criticizing Gov. DeSantis for the way Newsom says DeSantis allegedly unfairly attacks his critics. In her tweet, Mrs. Newsom references "family values" and warns that the language used by GOP candidates like DeSantis is not representative of a genuine family values platform type.

Rumors of other affairs with other staffers have also plagued Gavin Newsom in more recent years, but that's a topic for another post. Let's also not forget how Mrs. Newsom, who was then just actress Jennifer Siebel, used interviews and online forums to maliciously attack the married staffer with whom Gavin Newsom admittedly had an affair in 2005, alleging without evidence that the woman, Ruby Rippey-Tourk, was a lush who had a "checkered past" and was desperate for Newsom's attention and got it a few times when she allegedly showed up at his front door "passed out."

On the flip side, I also don't think it's even arguable to point out that when it comes to the family values topic, I'm pretty sure that Gavin and Jennifer Newsom are some of the last people anyone on Earth would want to look to in terms of being credible, authoritative, guiding voices on the issue.

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Did the Almighty Just Intervene to Shut Up This Islamist Windbag?

Turkey, once Israel's only friend in the Middle East, under would-be sultan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been extraordinarily vocal in its support of Palestinian terrorism emanating from Gaza.

At various times, Erdogan has labeled Israel a "terror state." He accused the West of "barbarism" (yeah, I Iaughed at that, too) and "islamophobia" because of its sympathy for Israel after a particularly barbarous episode by practitioners of the "Religion of Peace." He is threatening Netanyahu with trial as a war criminal.

According to Erdogan, Israel is "completely out of its mind" for fighting in Gaza instead of meekly letting themselves be slaughtered by hirsute jihadis. He prophesied that Israel's "end is near" and proclaimed, “Whoever is on the side of Israel, let everyone know that we are against them.” He canceled a trip to Israel in October because of Israel's "inhumane" war, and promised Israel would pay a "heavy price" if it tried to hunt down Hamas terrorists sheltering in Turkey.

Even this is not enough for some. On Tuesday, during a parliamentary debate in Ankara, Hasan Bitmez, a member of parliament representing the conservative "Felicity Party" (I think that was the name of a stripper down at the Inferno Lounge in Columbus, GA, but I digress), condemned Erdogan's government for its...wait for of Israel.

"We can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history… Israel will not escape the wrath of Allah," yodeled Bismet. He concluded with, "I salute you all."

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