Epstein Flight Logs, The 9 NFL Games You Won't Want To Miss, and Chicago Consequences

How third-party candidates could threaten the 2024 election

Good morning. It's Saturday, Nov. 11, and we're covering Epstein flight logs, the 9 NFL games you won’t want to miss, how small businesses compete, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

American Fact of the Day!

Alaska is the largest state in the US, and used to belong to the Russian Empire before the US purchased it.

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Marsha Blackburn Files Subpoena for Epstein Flight Logs - and Several Other Juicy Items

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) had a creative way to fight back and also provide a lot of answers to questions that should be a priority, including the people connected to Jeffrey Epstein.

First, she spoke about filing for a subpoena to Justice Sonia Sotomayor's staff and her book publisher over allegations the staff was used to pressure public institutions to buy her book.

Blackburn added that since we're in the business of issuing subpoenas, she has a few more she's filed, including a subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein's estate to produce the flight logs for his private plane, given the numerous allegations of human trafficking because "We've got to identify everyone who could have participated in his horrific conduct."

The Epstein information is long overdue. Not to mention some of the other items listed by Blackburn. There has been some reporting on info in the flight logs, but a lot more could be reported. We've already seen that Bill Clinton featured prominently in those logs with at least 26 trips on the Epstein plane and people like his former body man saying he went to Epstein Island.

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Chicago City Council Meeting on 'Sanctuary City' Status Shows Citizens That Elections Have Consequences

For Mayor Brandon Johnson, it is seemingly all about upholding leftist ideology, his citizens be damned. 

Tuesday night's City Council meeting became a raucous affair, as protesters ultimately shut down the meeting, but not before Chicagoans began shouting and booing aldermen during a heated discussion over whether to retain the city's sanctuary status for illegals coming into the country. Residents are at odds with city leaders over the fact that as a harsh Chicago winter is right around the corner, Johnson is proposing tent cities around Chicago, however, many of these proposed camps are projected to be in poor, predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Residents also have a problem with how much illegal immigrants are costing the city, money that could be well spent on those poor neighborhoods. Roughly 20,000 illegals have been bussed to Chicago, and 9th Ward Alderman

Why not let the people of Chicago decide if they want to remain a sanctuary city? Alderman Beale has tried to do that very thing by trying to get an advisory referendum on the March 2024 ballot. But what may just be another day in Chicago politics, the prevention of that happening resulted in the resignation of mayoral floor leader and Zoning Committee Chairman Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa amid bullying allegations.

Johnson seems like he would just throw more federal money at the problem, proving once again that progressive Democrats are so wedded to their leftist ideology and winning the virtue signaling contest by being to slap on the moniker of "sanctuary city," that they really have no interest in solving the illegal immigration problem -- even at the expense of their constituents.

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