Embracing Tech, Swamp Deals, and Ukraine Aid Schemes

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Good afternoon. It's Wednesday, April. 17, and we're covering passing Ukraine aid scheme, Dutch oil trader hires former Biden aide TikTok lobbyist, 2024 NFL Draft odds, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

American Fact of the Day!

Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania allows parents to home-school their children: First allowed in 1988, the law still sets down strict rules and requirements for homeschooled children and their parents or guardians to meet. Failing to meet them will result in legal action from the state government. The children may also still have to attend school as a consequence of their home education not meeting the required standards.

Breaking Updates

Mike Gallagher Postpones Quit Date to Help Deep State Pass Ukraine Aid Scheme

Rep. Mike Gallagher’s (R-WI) betrayal of his constituents will continue at least one day longer. The maybe-soon-to-be-ex-Congressman announced March 22 – after a leak forced his hand – he would resign from his Congressional seat on Friday, April 19.

But after Speaker Mike Johnson’s Wednesday announcement that the House will vote Saturday, April 20, on a foreign aid package with tens of billions in aid to Ukraine, Gallagher is once again changing his tune.

By delaying his departure almost four weeks, Gallagher will extend his stay in Congress beyond the April 9 deadline to trigger a special election for his seat, denying his constituents a voice in the House until January 2024 — as Congress fights over government funding and oversight of President Joe Biden and his administration.

Gallagher reportedly is leaving after leveraging his Congressional experience to take a job with Palantir, a data analytics and security firm. The company’s data services are used by governments including the U.S. and Ukraine in security, defense, and intelligence sectors. He negotiated his then-departure date with Speaker Johnson, who flip-flopped from his prior long-held position to become, like Gallagher, a fervent advocate for Ukraine funding.

Gallagher’s final priorities in Congress seem to dovetail with those of his future employer, which would benefit from additional aid to Ukraine as well as the extension of FISA. If Gallagher jets from Washington after voting to send tens of billions in taxpayer dollars, he might also leave Johnson hanging.

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UK Sanctioned Dutch Oil Trader Hires Former Biden Aide TikTok Lobbyist

The District of Columbia was placed in a Swamp by design as part of the deal with James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, who supported Alexander Hamilton's plan to pay off the debts of the states in the Revenue Act of 1789.

Madison and Jefferson were convinced that moving the capital from New York City to a swampy diamond between Maryland and Virginia would safeguard democracy. They were right until air conditioning made Washington habitually year-round, and the billions laundered through the federal government during the New Deal and World War II made the District of Columbia a place where a connected guy could make a fortune. One guy who seems to be doing well is Ankit Desai, a former Senate aide to Joseph R. Biden Jr. who was just hired by Niels Troost.

The bulk of his business is at the Russian Pacific port of Kozmino at the terminal port of the Eastern Siberian Pacific Ocean Pipeline. After the G-7 capped the price of Russian oil at $60, Paramount shut down operations in Switzerland and opened up shop in the United Arab Emirates, which has no sanctions on Russian oil, let alone caps.

He is also on the executive council of the Atlantic Council, which sponsored the 2022 "Farm to Fork" conference in Bali, where Troost spoke about how oil sanctions contribute to hunger. Also speaking at the 2022 “Farm to Fork” was Gaurav Srivastava, a significant donor to the Atlantic Council—until recently, when the organization severed all ties.

Srivastava also gave $50,000 to Biden's campaign and $290,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, among other Democratic candidates and committees.

Throw into the mix that Whale Hunting reported that Srivastava, who may have represented himself as a CIA agent, tried to shake down Troost into handing over half his company in exchange for protection from the U.S. government—and the FBI has the tape.

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